Halos Wiring
Precautions & Tips
Do NOT mount the controller near any heat source! This will causing failure of the internal components. The ABS housing can withstand greater heat then the internal components.
Halo Install
When connecting halos make sure to plug into 5v regulators ( silver boxes )
The concept is the same for halos as the whip lights, Connect the matching colors together, red to red, black to black and White and/or Yellow being the DATA lines that need to be connected togehter.

Step 1 - Prep
Step 2 - App
Step 3 - Install
-- RGB Products --
-- 12 volt Products --
-- Accessory Products --
- Wiring Harness
- Connex Pro
- Connex Lite
- Connex Switch Panel
- Switch Panel-Bluetooth Coming Soon
- Switch Panel-Wireless Coming Soon